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Multi Engine Checkride


You will need to bring to the check-ride

  1. Your logbook with proper sign offs.

  2. Your logbook entries showing that your BFR is current

  3. Your driver license

  4. Your pilot certificates

  5. Your medical

  6. Aircraft Logbooks showing that Annual, 100hr, Pitot Static Checks (every 2 Years) , Transponder Checks (every 2 years),ELT Check (yearly)

  7. Aircraft AD Compliance Lists showing that all Ads are complied with.

  8. Aircraft POH

  9. Aircraft W/B computed for examiner’s weight and student’s weight with likely fuel load.

  10. Your Username / Password for IACRA

  11. Your filled out and signed IACRA Application


If this is an initial commercial checkride

  1. Sectional or ForeFlight(etc)

  2. Flight Plan

  3. AFD now called the Chart Supplement or ForeFlight(etc)

  4. Your Commercial Written Test

  5. Current weather for the checkride and the cross county


Please look at the checkride questions to prepare for the oral exam section


At the beginning of the checkride the examiner will verify that you and the aircraft are legally qualified for the flight.


Once the oral is passed you will proceed to the plane.


Perform a thorough preflight with the checklist in your hand.   You may be asked questions on the plane like

  1. How many gear micro switches are there and where are they.

  2. How much fuel is usable in each tank.

  3. How is the gear actuated?

  4. How much oil is appropriate in each engine


Pull the plane out to fly.


Finish the preflight checklist once you get into the plane including draining fuel.


Do a thorough passenger brief before starting the engines, including seat belts, exits, quiet times, and looking out for traffic.    Make sure the examiner’s seat belt is on properly and that he understands how to work the door.   Also make sure to tell him that he can exit through the emergency exit in the second row window on the pilot side and can kick out any window in an emergency.


Go through the pre-start and start checklists.


Be sure to do a radio check.


Taxi to the active runway and execute the run-up and take off checklists.   Do not forget to do the pre-takeoff brief.  

  1. “If anything happens before lift off,pull both throttles back and maintain aircraft control on the runway”

  2. “If anything happens after lift off and there is runway remaining pull both throttles back and maintain aircraft controlas you land straight ahead on the runway”

  3. “If you lose an engine after lift off with no usable runway remaining,

    • Mixture, Props and Throttles Full Forward

    • Blue Line (Vyse)

    • Gear Up and Flaps Up and Fuel Pumps On

    • Identify (Dead Foot Dead Engine)

    • Verify (With the throttle)

    • Feather the dead engine (With the prop lever) Don't actually feather the engine.


Execute the take off.    

  1. Check Final Clear

  2. Taxi to the Runway

  3. Hold the brakes as you run up the engines to full power

  4. Check the RPMs between 2600 and 2700

  5. Check the Fuel Flows are in the green (If they are above the red line then you have a clogged injector)

  6. Release Brakes

  7. Be ready for the examiner to pull an engine on the runway.

  8. In a normal takeoff, push to Vyse (102mph) as soon as practical after lift off. Raise gear when no runway is remaining.

  9. In a short field take off, climb at Vx until you clear the trees,Raise gear when no runway remaining,climb at Vyse (102mph) when you clear the obstacles.

  10. Once you have no effective runway remaining raise the gear

  11. Raise the flaps if they are extended.

  12. Power to 25” and 2500 RPM when established in a climb


You may get an engine failure on the take off roll.   This will likely happen just as you release the brakes and power is at max.   The examiner will pull the mixture on one or the other engine.   Simply be ready for it and pull both the throttles back and control the airplane.


You can expect an engine failure at or above 400 feet above the surface.    Sometimes this happens in the crosswind turn, usually to the inside engine.  

  1. Push the mixtures, props, and throttles (in order) full forward.

  2. Be sure to touch and check gear and flaps to verify that they are up.

  3. Take just a second to think about which engine has failed and Identify with the dead foot dead engine mantra, verify by pulling back on the suspected throttle, and feather by pulling dead prop lever back.The examiner should stop you from fully feathering the engine.


At this point you will execute the climb check list.

  1. Power to 25 /25

  2. Mixtures Rich

  3. Kill fuel pumps one at a time (verifying that the engines are still running and fuel flows continue good)

  4. Cowl Flaps verify open


You will climb to 5000 or 5500 feet to do the air work.


Go ahead and execute the cruise checklist.  

  1. Power to 20 /24

  2. Normally you would lean the mixtures

  3. Close the cowl flaps.


You should start with clearing turns.    Be sure to call "clear right" and "clear left" for ALL turns.


Next you will do the high work.    In no particular order….


Steep Turns:   

  1. Power to 20 inches

  2. Verify that you are below Va.

  3. Set heading bug.

  4. Bank to 50 degrees (comm)45 degrees (pvt)

  5. Maintain +/- 100 ft

  6. Trim it if you need.

  7. Begin rolling out of turn at 20-25 degree before your exit point.


Slow Flight:

  1. Power to 15 inches.

  2. Props full forward.

  3. Fuel Pumps On

  4. Maintain Altitude and Heading

  5. As speed slows below gear speed (150mph)(140 preferably) lower gear

  6. As speed slows below flap speed, extend flaps

  7. Add power to maintain altitude and pitch to 80 mph (usually 18inches)

  8. Remember that, in slow flight, pitch controls airspeed, and power controls altitude.


Exiting slow Flight

  1. Power to 18 inches.

  2. Lower the nose.

  3. Retract the gear.

  4. Retract the flaps.

  5. Maintain Altitude and Heading.


Power Off Stalls

  1. Same set up as for Slow Flight just don’t put the power back in to maintain speed.

  2. Pitch up to the stall buffet.

  3. When you get the buffet lower the nose and add power to recover.

  4. Full power.

  5. Retract the gear.

  6. Retract the flaps.

  7. Maintain Altitude and Heading.


Power On Stalls

  1. Power to 18 inches.

  2. Fuel Pumps On

  3. Pitch up to the stall buffet.

  4. When you get the buffet lower the nose and add power to recover.

  5. Power to 18 inches

  6. Maintain Altitude and Heading


Accelerated Stalls

  1. Power to 15 inches.

  2. Fuel Pumps On

  3. Roll into a 45 degree bank

  4. Pitch up to the stall buffet.

  5. When you get the buffet level the wings and lower the nose and add power to recover.

  6. Power to 18 inches

  7. Maintain Altitude and Heading


Vmc Demo

  1. Follow the checklist.

  2. Power back on the engine you wish to windmill.

  3. Maintain Heading.

  4. Cowl Flaps open on operating engine and closed on inoperative engine.

  5. Props to Full Forward.

  6. Mixtures Full Forward

  7. Power to max on the operating engine

  8. Up to 15 degrees flaps can be used

  9. Gear UP

  10. Maintain Heading

  11. Slowly pull back until you get one of the following events

    • You run out of rudder

    • You reach Vmc (80mph)

    • You lose directional control

    • You get stall indications

  12. Recover by pulling back on the good engine and lowering the nose simultaneously.

  13. Maintain Heading.

  14. Once the good engine is ALL the way back, you can bring the engine back to 20 inches

  15. Maintain Heading.

  16. Once the maneuver is over you can bring back the other engine.

  17. Raise the flaps and go back to cruise configuration.


Engine Shut Down and Restart

            Follow the checklist.


 Emergency Descent

  1. Power to Idle.

  2. Drop gear after speed check.

  3. Full flaps after speed check.

  4. Bank 45 degrees.

  5. Do not allow speed to build.Maintain speed in the white arc.

  6. When desired altitude reached.

  7. Level the wings.

  8. Retract the gear.

  9. Retract the flaps.

  10. Power to cruise.


Instrument Approach with one engine inoperative.

  1. Initial Approach power should be 18 inches.

  2. Pull up the approach on your ipad and the 650.

  3. Be sure that the 650 is in the proper mode (GPS vs VLOC).

  4. Brief the approach including segments, decision height and missed approach procedures.

  5. Verify your Unicom, AWOS, and Nav Frequencies.

    • KEET Shelby AWOS is 134.325 Unicom is 122.7

    • KSCD Sylacauga AWOS is 119.125 Unicom is 122.8

    • KEKY Bessemer AWOS is 118.825 Unicom is 123.0

  6. Listen to Unicom.

  7. Make sure that you have time to get setup.If you need more time tell the examiner.

  8. If the examiner tells you that he will give you vectors to final then set that up on the approach.Hit the approach button and select vectors to final.

  9. Once established on the localizer and you are waiting for glide slope intercept pull power back to 15 inches.This will let the plane slow to approach speed and more importantly gear speed

  10. At some point in here the examiner will pull an engine.

    • Increase power on the operating engine to 20-21 inches.

    • Do Not increase Prop to full.

    • You can increase mixture to full.

    • Hold your heading.

    • Identify, Verify, and Feather the bad engine.

    • Do not lose your localizer.This is NOT the emergency of an engine loss at take off, but you do want to feather the bad engine smartly.Take your time and do it right while continuing to fly the airplane.

  11. The examiner will usually give you zero thrust on the bad engine by adding a little power back after you feather.Ask for it if he doesn’t.

  12. At glide slope intercept, lower the gear.

  13. Fuel pumps on.

  14. Flaps to half if you so desire.

  15. Lights on.

  16. Keep the approach stabilized.After glide slope intercept try not to change anything too much.If you are going to want flaps, do it after you break out or before glide slope intercept.Make small course corrections and small power corrections.You want to stay stabilized after glide slope intercept.

  17. You can have both engines back when close to the runway and you are already pulling the good engine back towards idle.This is to keep you from having more power on the dead engine (Zero Thrust) while landing.


Aborted landing or go around.

  1. Mixture, Props, and Throttles to full forward.

  2. Pitch for Vy.

  3. Retract the Gear.

  4. Retract the Flaps.

  5. Cowl Flaps open if you have the time.

  6. Maintain heading.


Normal Pattern

  1. Initiate the takeoff according to the checklist.

  2. Once airborne pitch for Vyse (105mph).

  3. Retract the gear when no usable runway remaining.

  4. Retract whatever flaps when appropriate.

  5. Be ready for the examiner to pull an engine above 400 ft agl.If it happens deal with it.

  6. Once established in the climb, power to 25/25.

  7. Once on downwind or at pattern altitude, power to 15/24..

  8. Fuel Pumps on.

  9. Gear down (a good idea to hold your finger on the switch until you get a green gear down light).

  10. Abeam the end of the runway power to 12 inches.

  11. Full flaps after speed check.

  12. Maintain Vyse (105mph).

  13. On base do a GUMPS check.Gas/Undercarriage/Mixture/Props.

  14. Props to Full forward.

  15. On final maintain Vyse (105mph) until the runway is made.

  16. On short final, power should be to idle.Make sure both throttles. are ALL the way back.The right throttle sometimes holds a little power.

  17. Flare and land normally.


Short Field Landing

  1. Once on downwind or at pattern altitude power to 15/24

  2. At mid field downwind fuel on main tanks

  3. Fuel Pumps on

  4. Gear down (a good idea to hold your finger on the switch until you get a green gear down light)

  5. Abeam the end of the runway power to 12 inches

  6. Full flaps after speed check

  7. Maintain Vyse 

  8. Extend downwind some to allow for extra time to get stabilized on final.

  9. On base do a GUMPS check.Gas/Undercarriage/Mixture/Props

  10. Props to Full forward

  11. Clear Final

  12. On final maintain Vyse 

  13. Hold a little power in until you know that you can make the 1000ft markers.Aim a some before the 1000 ft markers to allow for some flare.

  14. Pull all your power out when you have the markers made.

  15. Make sure both throttles are ALL the way back.The right throttle sometimes holds a little power.

  16. Flare and land normally.

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